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  Balsam Pear Sparerib Soup

1 主要食材與料理方式 :
Spareribs 300 grams
Balsam pear (mid-size) 1 piece
Small dried fish 50 grams
Ginger 3 slices
Fermented bean curd 1 tablespoon

A Seasoning: Salt 1/2 teaspoon; rice wine 1 tablespoon

1. Wash balsam pear. Cut open to remove seeds. Cut into big slices. Boil to soften small dried fish. Wash. Wash ginger and cut into slices.
2. Wash spareribs. Put into hot water. Scoop out.
3. Pour 4 bowls of water into pot to boil. Put inside all ingredients. Lower fire and boil until the balsam pear is soft and cooked. Then add A seasoning and it is ready to serve.



全球人力資源管理顧問有限公司 金門分公司
臺北市中正區中山北路一段2號7樓710之1 金門縣金湖鎮新市里中正路71號
電話 : 02-23817639 傳真 : 02-23715960 電話 : 082-335995   傳真 : 082-335002
信箱 : jryc.atv@msa.hinet.net  
網址 : http://www.gmcc.com.tw/  